In October I had the opportunity to speak to and work with three amazing Maine organizations! At the beginning of the month I gave the keynote talk to over 560 Maine Health executives and team leaders at the Cross Insurance Arena. Two weeks later I did a one-day workshop and coaching program for the executive team at Maine Housing. Finally, Hancock Lumber hosted a visit from 44 statewide leaders participating in the Maine Development Foundation’s 2024-2025 Leadership Maine Program and I had the pleasure of speaking to the entire group after they toured our white pine manufacturing operation in Casco. In all cases we discussed the potential for using the place of work as a platform to advance humanity one human at a time through shared leadership, dispersed power, and respect for all voice. The place of work is shifting, and more and more organizational leaders are increasingly committed to making work meaningful and energy giving for the people who do it. Humanity is in motion and aspirations for a better path at work are expanding. It’s slow going but it’s coming! Organizations and their leaders get whatever they consistently prioritize, and my goal is to increase the prioritization of the human experience at work.