Kevin Hancock joins Renee Changnon on the Tell Me More podcast to share his story about how his speech disorder set him on a path to develop new management skills and a company culture that encourages all employees to be leaders.
In the Tell Me More podcast, Renee Changnon, NRHA’s Retail Outreach Coordinator, talks to retailers across North America to learn about their careers, unique ideas and retail insights.
Click here to listen to the full podcast.
Here are a few highlights from the podcast (click here for the full transcription):
- ‘The customer comes first.’ I don’t actually believe that’s true. I think that people who are gonna take care of the customer, the employees who work at the company, they come first. And if the company creates a great experience for the employees, then the employees will create a best-in-class experience for the customer. (6:53-7:25)
- But then secondly, most importantly, wouldn’t an organization where everybody led be more socially valuable. Like wouldn’t every individual take more from their experience if they were viewed as and treated as a leader. (21:48-22:05)
- And it really was a combination of those two events, my voice disorder and then my time at Pine Ridge, that changed forever for me, the way I see the world and really in simple ways. (44:06-44:26)