Published Articles

Kevin Hancock ArticlesExplore dozens of articles across industries that feature Kevin through multiple lenses, from Hancock Lumber and shared leadership in the workplace, to his own personal journey to self-discovery and authorship.

An Excerpt From The Seventh Power
This article is an excerpt from Kevin Hancock’s newest book The Seventh Power: One CEO’s Journey Into the Business of Shared Leadership. It begins with his trip to Kiev, where…
In Nature, Power Is Dispersed
In this article, Kevin Hancock writes about how he came to the understanding that in nature, power is dispersed. He discusses how this simple notion changed everything he based…
Culture Makes The Difference
Article by Kevin Hancock, published in March 2020 on the Young Upstarts website. Young Upstarts is an online business resource for startup entrepreneurs, small business owners, idea people, and…
Culture Makes the Difference
In this article, Kevin Hancock writes about how company culture plays a significant role in differentiating one business from another. To Kevin, culture is fostered heavily by who controls…
Leadership and Lumber: An Interview With Kevin Hancock
In this interview, Kevin Hancock speaks about different themes in his newest book, The Seventh Power: One CEO’s Journey Into the Business of Shared Leadership. He speaks about what the…
A Butt-Kicking Project to Overcome the Drain of Talkative Leadership
This article highlights the downfalls that talkative leaders often use to justify their conversation monopoly and the negative impacts it can have on culture and engagement. It also gives…
Putting Work Back In It’s Place
In this article, Kevin Hancock writes about the importance of having a proper work/life balance. He highlights the difficulties of keeping work weeks to forty hours in the manufacturing…
Culture Makes the Difference: Great People are Everywhere, Great Cultures Aren’t
Written by Kevin Hancock, “Culture Makes the Difference” explores the differences between companies and what are the key differentials between them. “Culture makes the difference.  An organization’s culture either…
Advocating For Shared Leadership
In this interview, Kevin Hancock speaks with host Helene Stelian about the importance of sharing leadership and finding your authentic voice. Kevin’s goal is to find his own authentic…
How Saying Less Can Empower Others to Say More
In this article, Kevin Hancock writes about how journey to finding that by saying less, he is empowering others to speak more. By sharing the leadership responsibility with many,…
The Age of Localism
In this article, Kevin Hancock speaks about shared leadership, employee engagement, and employee-centric company structures. “Humans will always benefit from banding together to create value and solve problems. But…
True Profitability and Productivity Come From Striving for a Bigger Social Goal
This article is an excerpt from Kevin Hancock’s new book The Seventh Power: One CEO’s Journey Into the Business of Shared Leadership. “At Hancock Lumber, we grow trees, but that…
The Age of Localism
In this article, Kevin Hancock explores the beginning of the age of localism; the idea that localized decision-making, rule-setting, and self-organizing will be the new pathways towards excellence. Kevin…
How Losing His Voice Taught a Maine CEO to Give Workers More Say
In this article by the Bangor Daily News, Kevin Hancock shares how his journey to Pine Ridge changed the way he thinks about power, leadership, and the human spirit….
5 Clear Signs You’re Not An Authentic Leader
In the article, Kevin Hancock’s core belief that leaders should listen more than speak is highlighted as an important indicator of being an authentic leader. Authentic leaders are naturally…
Kevin Hancock Interview with Natfluence
In this interview, Kevin Hancock speaks about motivators, success strategies, and the leadership style within Hancock Lumber. He shares his daily reflection strategies, as well as his daily routine….
Governor Mills Nominates Individuals for Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission
May 24, 2019 – PRESS RELEASE Governor Janet Mills announced today that she has nominated six people to serve on the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission. The Governor nominated John…
Americans Should Set Example for New Leader
In this article published by the Portland Press Herald, Kevin Hancock writes about how Americans can and should set examples for the newly elected President. As Kevin’s leadership style…
Strengthening the Voices of Others
In this article, Kevin Hancock shares his story about losing his voice and how his leadership style adapted to this major obstacle. By listening more to others, Kevin is…
Not 4 Sale in Big Blend Magazine
In this article, Kevin Hancock’s book Not 4 Sale is introduced, giving a look into the reasons for Kevin’s journey to Pine Ridge and the ideas that began afterwards. After…