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Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse is a unique iconoclastic memoir that traces one businessman s journey deep into Indian country, and even deeper into his own soul. In a corporate world hallmarked by the never-ending quest for bigger, better, more, this CEO of one of America s oldest family businesses contemplates an organizational structure where the goal is to do less, not more. In a 24/7 internet- wired world consumed with roles, responsibilities, and external accomplishments, Kevin learns to look inward for meaning and purpose.

A corporate executive loses his voice and discovers a new pathway to organizational excellence built on the premise of dispersed power and shared leadership.
“Kevin Hancock’s personal journey holds universal messages for people at all levels of business and community. The Seventh Power’s new, more inclusive approach to leadership and management will give you important insights into your life, your career, and your company.”
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From Pine Ridge and the Northern Plains is a hybrid book of sorts. First, it’s a photography book containing an assortment of Kevin’s favorite pictures that he has taken during his now over twenty trips to the region. Second, the book contains 48 thoughts for reflection, heightened self-awareness, and human advancement. Each thought is 248 words in length and was sparked by time alone in the wilderness either at Pine Ridge or on the Plains. As such, each is called a WHISPER.
“I use the term ‘whispers’ because that is how each idea was received. It was as if the windswept grass spoke softly and shared a secret each time I stopped, sat still, and listened. As it turns out, these whispers are everywhere, but we are often too busy or consumed to hear them.” –Kevin Hancock, Excerpt from 48 WHISPERS