In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks to MaineBiz publisher Donna Brassard about how losing his voice changed everything in a day. He shares how he overcame this challenge and created a fruitful new leadership style from the lessons he learned. Kevin began sharing the leadership role with everyone at Hancock Lumber and found that great…


Exciting things are happening as we continue to spread the word about Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse! We are excited to share these updates with you, and share with you some recently added sections to our website!   The book is currently being sold in 17 bookstores in the…


Kevin Hancock is interviewed in this article about Hancock Lumber’s growth after the economic recession. During this time, Kevin lost his voice, which creates a new leadership style centered around listening to others more than speaking. “I learned that leadership is about doing less, not more. It was letting people who have responsibility own their…