In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks with Strength For Your Purpose Podcast host Dr. Phil Finemore about shared leadership and dispersed power. They discuss Kevin’s journey and how he came to his philosophy that power should be dispersed. Kevin shares the outcomes for the company and the employees who work for Hancock Lumber. Finally, they…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks to Safe Space host Franco Lombardo about successfully running a business without speaking. They discuss Kevin’s journey, from losing his voice to finding it again and the lessons he learned along the way. Kevin talks about the successes gained from listening, empowering voices, and sharing leadership throughout the organization….


“If you want to be a champion you’ve got to feel like one, you’ve got to look like one, you’ve got to act like one.” —Red Auerbach John Kohtala was the best jump shooter I ever met. If he could get his right elbow above your left defensive hand, he was going to shoot, and it…


Below are 12 articles and podcasts that describe the outcome and impact of shared leadership in the workplace. Take a look at the excerpts below and click through to learn more. Thank you for joining our mission of shared leadership, dispersed power, and respect for all voices! Work & Life with Stew Friedman In this…


In this article featured in the March 2022 NRLA Lumber Co-Operator, Kevin Hancock writes about digital equality in the workplace. Kevin explores the two groups of employees that the digital age has produced in lumberyards: the group that uses laptops and computers regularly and those that do not. He continues to write about how Hancock…


In this keynote interview, Kevin Hancock speaks with Shannon Zur of the Vogel Consulting Group. The theme of the Transitions Spring 2022 conference was “Strong Family, Strong Business.”


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks with Path11 Podcast host April Hannah about his newest book 48 Whispers and his journeys to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. They discuss the loss of Kevin’s voice and how it led him on a quest to find his center, regain his voice, and help strengthen the…


Family Business Magazine captures Kevin’s journey and new leadership model in their March 2022 article, Voices Carry. Writer Margaret Sheen tells the story of Kevin losing his voice, the journey he went on to find his voice, and the lessons he learned along the way—and, ultimately, how those lessons translated into a new, modern leadership…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks with The PR Maven Podcast host Nancy Marshall about shared leadership. They begin by speaking about the importance of continuing to change, even if your business is over 150 years old. He shares how his personal journey led to a change in leadership style for Hancock Lumber and what…


As part of Hancock Lumber’s HBS Dealer’s national ‘ProDealer of the Year’ recognition, HBSDealer magazine featured the company on the cover of their March 2022 edition. Ken Clark’s “Architects of Shared Leadership” cover story shares their leadership teams’ voices and highlights Hancock Lumber’s success as an employee-centric, shared leadership business—and, how Kevin Hancock’s vision to…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks with Enlightenment of Change podcast host Connie Whitman. They speak together about his book The Seventh Power, One CEO’s Journey into the Business of Shared Leadership. They speak about the power of shared leadership and what the benefits are to both the employees and the company. Kevin speaks from experience…


“It is hard to follow one great vision in this world of darkness and of many changing shadows. Among them men get lost.” —Black Elk In my last post I wrote about what the sandpiper knows, the tiny bird that moves predictably with the unpredictable. No two waves are ever the same, yet the sandpiper…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks with Work and Life Podcast host Stew Friedman about the changes his leadership style and life underwent after losing his voice. Kevin shares how important changing way he approached leadership became and how strengthening the voices of others to help them find their true, authentic self became his life…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks with The Proteus Leader Show Podcast host Erika Anderson about the power of listening. They discuss the impact that being allowed to express your authentic voice creates, both on the person speaking and the person listening. Kevin shares how sharing leadership responsibility has impacted Hancock Lumber for the better…


“We Indians think of the Earth and the whole universe as a never-ending circle, and in this circle, man is just another animal. The buffalo and the coyote are our brothers, the birds, our cousins. Even the tiniest ant, even a louse, even the smallest flower you can find, they are all relatives.” —Jenny Leading…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks with Exploring Possibilities podcast host Sheryl Sitts about shared leadership. Kevin shares his journey to a new leadership style and how dispersing power helps liberate people. He talks about the impact that listening has on the people in an organization. They discuss the outcome of dispersing leadership at Hancock…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks with Human Capital Innovations Podcast host Dr. John Westover about shared leadership and employee-centric organizations. They discuss the differences, benefits, and drawbacks of capital-centric organizations and how the shift to shared leadership has impacted Hancock Lumber. “We have been at it for over a decade, so we have very…


In this video, Kevin Hancock speaks with Deliberate Directions host Allison Dunn about shared leadership and dispersed power. They discuss what prompted his leadership philosophy to change and how the company has benefitted from these changes. He discusses Hancock Lumber’s participation in the Best Places to Work in Maine surveys, as well as the outcome…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks to Leadership Re-Imagined host Dr. Jane Lovas about his leadership philosophy and The Seventh Power: One CEO’s Journey Into the Business of Shared Leadership. They discuss how his leadership style changed from top-down to shared and dispersed power. He shares his story about how his leadership style so drastically changed…


In this podcast, Kevin Hancock speaks to Lucid Cafe host Wendy Halley about his books, Not For Sale, The Seventh Power, and 48 Whispers. They speak about the challenges that losing Kevin’s voice presented and how he was able to overcome and feel that his new condition was a gift. Kevin shares about his journey to Pine Ridge…